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A Safety Net for All is the Ultimate
Budget Saver

Access to preventative care, health education, and early intervention services serves as a long-term investment that reduces overall healthcare costs. HealthJay leverages its scalability, ease of use and customization to further generate cost-savings by improving care access and health equity.​ Don't look at HealthJay as a cost item because we are a tech. Categorize us as a budget saver that can close widening service gaps by putting the department and the public in direct and effective communication. 

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It’s a leap from 1 to millions
that can help overcome hurdles for departments

Mass Messaging

Emergency preparedness, public announcements, holiday schedules - 1 message to millions of residents, delivered in the language they select.

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Health Promotion

Send flyers to promote disease prevention or mobile clinics - 1 flyer to millions of app users.

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Health Education

A library of educational videos on channels of public health topics from chronic care to maternal health - 1 video, watched by millions.

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Health Surveys

Conduct community health assessments or patient satisfaction surveys - 1 custom form to millions of residents, with data collection

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Division shortcuts

Display shortcuts to health divisions - in 2 clicks, call the divisions or browse their webpages

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Public Inquiry

Open a public inquiry chat that anyone can get health information from in 25 languages - without paying extra for translators. AI Chatbot is an option.

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Usability meets feasibility:
How a simple tool addresses public health challenges today?

General health tech doesn't fit underserved communities. Usability, such as ease of use, minimum navigation and one-stop portal differentiates HealthJay as a grassroots tool for departments to close service gaps in safety net. Areas of ​special usability include:


  • Migrant Health & Low English Proficiency group

  • Homelessness 

  • Behavioral Health 

  • Aging services 

  • Substance Use Disorder & Re-entry

  • ​Rural Health

  • ED diversion


Usability unlocks the feasibility of HealthJay:​


  • Real-time data collection

  • A la carte-style feature options

  • Customizable mobile app interface

  • Roles and groups of users for targeted engagement

  • Department (parent) and division (child) structure to support special programs

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Budget Cut Relief
Backfill program reductions

Technology—such as HealthJay—can serve as a critical lifeline by filling the gaps left by staff shortages and program cuts, all while maintaining essential service levels.


  • Backfill staff positions by automating many routine population-facing tasks

  • Streamline communication to reduce the need for costly, in-person visits and enables departments to serve more people with fewer resources

  • Ensure service level by virtual communication as traditional programs face reductions

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